- In my opinion I think that Satrapi tries to show major changes which occur in Marjane's life with the type of hair and veil she has in that panel, and everytime a change occurs in her life her hair changes but when she is in iran the style of her veil changes. This may not neccissarily be true but it seems like it signifies the changes which occur in her life. But this is generally the kind of change which people choose because when someone is looking for change the usually change their style of hair. This occurs everytime there is a change. On page 153 Marjane's veil is black and it seems like it represents something wrong which will occur in Marjanes life soon a lot like foreshadowing something bad which is about to happen this also occurs another time on page 133 when she is about to get arrested by the guardians she is wearing a black veil. Then on page 155 and she is in vienna her hair style is quite different and this is when she enters another place which completely changes her life, and there are many more panels in which her hair changes when she there is a change which occurs in her life.
Literary Feature:
- The literary feature which I found is a foil. The grandmother and uncle anoosh are a foil for each other because Marjane loves her grandmother and her uncle a lot and they love her the most. She is not aware that she will be seperated from her uncle and her grandmother by their death. It may be a coincidence that after the seperation between her uncle and her grandmother she went on a trip to another place, like on page 77 and then on the last page when Marjane leaves for Vienna again she is seperated from her grandmother. Uncle anoosh and her grandmother are extremely important people in her life which is why they are foils for each other and they both die at the end of the book.
Class Act:
- I think the discussion we had in class about how important the medium of a comic strip is. We also talked about how the comic strip form was like an outsider and whoever owned comic strips was odd. So it is possible that Marjane chose the form of a comic strip by keeping in mind that she has felt like an outsider most of her life. She also writes a lot of short sentences with very little detail which may symbolize that she is trying to let the readers connect to her story.
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